HVDV New Beginnings Charity shop
Opening Hours
Monday 10 am - 4 pm
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 10 am - 4 pm
Thursday 10am - 2pm
Friday 10 am - 4 pm
Due to being voluntary based Saturday and Thursday hours
may change
at this time we are open
Every 1st & 3rd Saturday of the Month 10 am - 4 pm
Telephone (01249) 812999
Throughout March Thursday we will be closed at 2 pm
Due to limited Volunteers .
Extra Opening hours.
for Saturday Calne event days.
Saturday event days for 2025.
17th May 2025 Duck race Event 10am-4pm
7th of June 2025 Pride event 10am-4pm
28th of June Calneval 2025 ( Summer Carnival) 10am-5pm
26th of July 2025 Calne Bike meet 10am-5pm
29t​​h of Nov 2025 Calne Christmas Festival Of Lights 10am-5pm
Donation can only be taken in between 10am -2pm
on days the shop is open .
This is due to limited volunteer after this time.
Thank you for your kind donation.
Don’t throw away your unwanted clothes if you’re able to drop off at the HVDV New Beginning shop in Calne .
we would love to take them.
If you can't make it to Calne we maybe able to get collected by one of our volunteers if they are in your area.
Thank you for taking the time to help us by giving clothes to give to individuals and families after fleeing domestic abuse and also allowing us to use clothes to raise funds to help these individuals and families with resettlement, Education, day trips out and special gifts for children who have fled domestic abuse and making a difference in your local community.
Thank you for your kind donations
For more information please contact us by
Telephone 01249 812999 to the HVDV New Beginnings shop in Calne Wiltshire
By Email admin@hvdv.org.uk
Volunteers Needed

HVDV New Beginnings charity shop
Who can volunteer?
Anyone who has time to spare and would like to use it to benefit a charity.
You may be asked to sort donations, price goods, work on the till, and create window displays.
If you have experience in other areas, tell the shop manager as it can often be put to use.
Volunteers get to make new friends, become part of a team and learn new skills while raising money for charity.
Being a volunteer need not interfere with your other commitments.
Many shops ask for a regular commitment of a set number of hours per week that can work around your schedule.

What does volunteering involve?
Under the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006, charity shops have a legal duty to protect children and vulnerable adults.
These include individuals who are on the children’s and/or adults barred list working with these vulnerable groups.
When staff and volunteers undertake Regulated Activities, they are subject to a DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) check.
DBS is just one of several measures that charity shops use to protect their staff and volunteers within their work places.
We expect our members to take any allegations of harmful behaviour seriously and take appropriate action.
Want to give it a go at HVDV New Beginnings charity Shop?
Please Email Elizabeth at admin@hvdv.org.uk or pop into the HVDV New Beginnings shop in Calne for an Application form.
To arrange a drop off at our shop in Calne please call 01249 812999
Please no donation be left outside the shop when closed .
Please stay safe and thank you for your kind support. From all at HVDV and HVDV New Beginnings x

Great news HVDV has new premises but with a twist while helping individuals and families we are now able to raise much needed funds by opening at charity shop with a difference where there will be new and used item to raise funds to keep the great work HVDV does going .

Which help survivors of domestic abuse in the local community.
Referrals from professionals for individuals and families who have suffered domestic abuse and left with very little .Will have the choice to come and choose clothing and small items they may need to re build their and their families foundation.
By allowing the individuals and families to come and choose we feel this will give them some control back in their life’s as some domestic abuse situation can be controlled by the perpator.
HVDV is also giving individuals a place where they can volunteer and do training to make a difference to their own education and help individuals who have suffered domestic abuse in the local area and a chance on the ladder back into paid work.
HVDV will also be Eco Friendly as it will also help less going into landfills by being re-used and re-cycled.